1. Register to become a goCabinets member!
- Sign up and your nearest CNC manufacturer is assigned to you.
2. Open a new job and enter your project details.
- Select from our massive range of cabinet types, panel finishes and cabinetry fittings.
- Easily adjust product dimensions and finishes as you go.

3. goCabinets generates quotes, instantly!
- Enter your product and get an estimated price. As easy as that!
- Get full quotes after finalizing your project.

4. Submit your projects with one click.
- Your project is instantly sent to your assigned manufacturer for cutting

5. Track your job, with real time project notifications.
- Receive real time notifications on each production stage of your job.
- View on computer, tablet, or mobile

6. Deliver on-site, ready to install
- Delivered to your business, or straight to the job site.
- Flat-packed and ready to install, or fully assembled for you.

Streamline your processes, save time and make money.
If you still have doubts about whether goCabinets is suitable for your business then we recommend you sign up as a member and test the software for yourself. goCabinets is so intuitive we believe you can use it without any formal training. But if you need help then our support staff are only a phone call away. We believe ordering cabinets online has never been easier, but don't just take our word for it, give it a go.